Jun 20, 2024
Trust Yourself

Navigating The Awakening Of Your Intuitive Self

Many of you are experiencing an intuitive awakening, an awareness that nothing is coincidental; in fact, more and more of you report seeing numbers, patterns, signs, and synchronicities in everything you do.  Which is amazing!  It encourages you to elevate your perspective and become playful with your aspirations and dreams. 

Finding the strength and trust within yourself, to intuitively navigate the world around you, testing your intuition, and unlocking abilities and skills you’ve sensed you have, but haven’t explored, is both empowering and rewarding.

You’re stepping into your personal power and connecting in, to something greater than yourself, which is exhilarating.  It’s at this juncture, I would invite you to be aware, as with all new things, there’s a chance of becoming overwhelmed.

Knowing when to pause and come back to center, and prioritising your alignment, is an important skill set you’ll want to develop when exploring your intuitive gifts; becoming adept at honouring your needs requires awareness.  It’s imperative to develop a protocol to de-clutter the mind and release any negative patterning. 

You’ll feel most connected to your purpose when you become fully ‘present’ in your physical body.  One of the easiest ways to accomplish this is breathwork.  The power of breathwork cannot be overstated, and combined with a meditation practise, it allows you to unlock wisdom codes; deep stores of ancient wisdom that you’ve carried within your cells from past life experiences.


Whilst diving into the world of intuitive practise is exciting, it’s in the silent pause, that we reflect and recognise what is most important for us.  You don’t have to master everything immediately, so make time to meditate, and be thoughtful about the information you are welcoming into your world.  In the words of Jim Rohn, ‘stand guard at the door of your mind’ and I would add ‘and feed it something good, nourishing and true.’

Pay attention to your thoughts and notice the repetitive theme’s that replay in your mind.  Where does your mind drift to when you are most relaxed?  What is your higher self communicating to you in these moments?  Just stay curious and observe your own mind.

Begin to record your intuitive experiences and inspired thoughts.  Notice the patterns in the information you are receiving.  

Ask Yourself:

  • How can I show up for myself in this moment?
    • Journal and record your thoughts, this promotes self-trust
    • Be relentless in your commitment to self, this promotes self-worth
    • Keep your promises to yourself, this promotes self-esteem
    • Be courageous about your choices, this promotes alignment

Be Discerning:

  • Identify whether the experience you’re having is necessary for your growth or not. Remove patterned behaviours that drain your energy or distract you from your path. 
  • Be willing to step away from any situations that do not promote your ethics and values.

As your intuition expands, pay attention to the people who are showing up in your world:

  • What do they have in common?
  • What appeals to you about them?
  • What do you like about them?
  • Are they ‘your tribe?’

As your intuition awakens, the people you attract changes and shifts.  If like attracts like, you may be delighted to notice people with similar hobbies, interests and skills, appearing in your orbit. You may sense a feeling of community and connectedness with these people; notice the relief this brings to your body. 

Or, you may find people, who’ve had similar childhood experiences or trauma may be drawn towards you.  Know this is an opportunity for you to heal and release your own wounds, so stay curious and lean into the following questions: 

  • What do they have in common?
  • What lessons are you being taught?
  • Where did those lessons originate?
  • Why do you need these lessons?
  • Are you ready to let go of anything that no longer serves you?

As with all change, the universe encourages you to set healthy energetic boundaries with anyone who is new to your life, ensuring they respect who you are, and the journey you are on.

If you find yourself thinking: ‘I like this new person, but they don’t seem to appreciate or respect my boundaries, but if I dig deep, I think I can develop this relationship and we’ll be able to figure this out’ – you’ve already identified ‘you’re going to have to do the hard work’ at the outset, in order to make a relationship work.  You’re already working too hard with a person you barely know.  Trying to mould someone to fit a narrative you’ve created. 

Great relationships occur naturally and organically.  Healthy relationships are a dance, one where you lead in areas where you feel adept and capable, and they lead in areas that feel appropriate for them.  You share power and it feels effortless.  It’s time to let go outdated systemic thinking, that keeps you pushing against something; rather it’s time to focus on the relationships that feel easy, rich and rewarding.  Those are the people who deserve your attention.  Once you trust yourself, the people who deserve your trust show up.  

When you honour yourself, the universe responds and delivers everything you need.

When life gets tough, the universe is fond of saying, relax and surrender this moment to us; let us show you that this experience is not for you’.  As you let go of needing to control outcomes, and trust that everything is unfolding exactly as it needs to, with hidden lessons and messages for everyone; you stop rescuing and you allow others to have the experience they need, and you develop spiritual maturity.

When you notice the subtleties and synchronicity in your life, you’ll begin to trust your journey, and you can confidently:

  • Step back and let the universe take the lead
  • Allow life to unfold in a manner that befits your purpose
  • Become the observer
  • Live from your heart
  • Trust that there is a higher plan for us all

The key is to surrender, and:

  • Listen to your intuition
  • Release the need to control outcomes
  • Witness the miracles that happen when you let go

In the journey of life, there are moments when you find yourself standing at the crossroads of uncertainty — faced with difficult decisions, ambiguous paths, and unknown futures. In these moments, your rational mind may falter, seeking answers where there are none to be found.  It is during these times that trusting your intuition becomes paramount.

As you show up and do the work you feel called to do, you cultivate a depth of trust in the wisdom of the universe—the guiding force that whispers truths beyond the realm of rationality.  In moments of uncertainty or difficulty, intuition serves as a beacon of clarity, offering insights that transcend the limitations of the mind.  By trusting your intuition, you tap into a wellspring of inner guidance that leads you towards alignment, purpose, and authenticity.


The Career Crossroads:

  • Years ago, I found myself at a career crossroads; whether to continue working in an industry where I had accrued experience, a clientele list, and security versus starting my own company and following my passion. Despite the allure of the former role, my intuition nudged me towards the latter.  Trusting myself, I chose the path that I’m now happy to call my own, and it’s led to a fulfilling career, aligned with my true purpose.
  • I’m happier now, I feel well, and honestly, I’ve never looked back.


The Relationship Crossroads:

  • When it comes to your heart, intuition always speaks loudest. When faced with a decision to uphold my inner peace or succumb to the needs of another, I had to confront the reality that I was working too hard at maintaining a relationship out of duty rather than choice.
  • I recognised I had ignored my needs for many years, and despite the desire to people please (yes… I know), my intuition sent subtle warnings — feelings of unease and discomfort that I could no longer ignore. Trusting my inner guidance, I chose to honour my truth and walk away, leading to newfound freedom and self-discovery.
  • The power of choosing peace over patterning was liberating and self-affirming.

Let’s give you some tips and tools to assist you as you lean in and learn to intuitively expand your own horizons.

  • Quiet The Mind:
    • Breathwork
    • Meditation
    • Mindfulness
    • Yoga

Stillness creates space for intuitive insights to arise, allowing you to hear your inner voice, the whisper from your higher self, leading you onwards, amidst the noise of your busy world.

  • Listen To Your Body:
    • Tune into the sensations and feelings that arise within your body, as they often serve as powerful indicators of intuitive guidance. Notice any tension, tightness or resistance within you, any butterflies in the stomach or tingling sensations. Your body is a wise messenger — pay attention to its signals.
  • Reflect On Past Experiences:
    • Reflect on past experiences where intuition guided you towards positive outcomes. Recall moments when you followed your inner knowing, despite external doubts or fears, and it led to alignment and fulfillment. Reflecting on these experiences’ bolsters trust in your intuition.
  • Practice Surrender:
    • Surrender to the flow of life and trust in the divine orchestration of events. Recognize that uncertainty is a natural part of the human experience, and your intuition invites you to see things from a higher perspective, to find the commonalities and patterns, and to respond in a new way. Surrendering allows you to relinquish control and trust in the wisdom of your inner guidance.
  • Take Inspired Action:
    • When intuitive insights arise, take inspired action — even if it defies logical explanation or societal norms. Trust in the guidance you receive, knowing that it is leading you towards alignment and growth. Trusting your intuition is an act of courage and self-trust — embrace it wholeheartedly.

Confident leaders learn to trust in the whispers of their intuition, even in the midst of uncertainty, they know it is their steadfast compass through life's unknown terrain.

Trusting your intuition is empowering; acting on your intuition changes your life. When you:

  • Prioritize your own peace,
  • Observe your environment, and
  • See the synchronicity of events from a higher perspective,

you will instantly recognize and value the importance of your intuitive nudges.  Equally, as you begin to share your personal stories of intuition, guiding you forward, you’ll cultivate trust within your inner circle, and encourage them to embark on their own journey of self-discovery and authenticity.  That’s when the fun begins!


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